[Sample Script] Add AzureVM DataDisk [샘플 스크립트] $rgName = "rg-jhvm"$vmname = "jh-vm"$vmdiskadd=Get-AzurermVM -ResourceGroupName $rgname -Name $vmname Add-AzureRMVMDataDisk -Name Data-jh-vm-2017-1 -VM $vmdiskadd -VhdUri https://rgjhvmdisks378.blob.core.windows.net/vhds/Datadisk2017.vhd -LUN 4 -Caching None -CreateOption Attach -DiskSizeInGB 10 Update-AzureRmVM -ResourceGroupName $rgname -VM $vmdiskadd #attach existing datadisks to VM.. 더보기 [세미나 발표] 20160409_Open Camp_Azure 기초 세션 Azure 기초 세션 세미나 발표 자료 입니다. ★감사합니다★ 더보기 [2016-03-17] Azure pricing and services updates Azure Scheduler Premium tier name update Pricing | Scheduler webpage Beginning May 1, 2016, customers using Azure Scheduler will see the Premium tier renamed as “P10 Premium” in their billing invoice, the Azure portal, and the pricing webpage. There is no change to the GUID and pricing as part of this update. The P10 Premium tier will have the same pricing and GUID as the current Premium tier. •.. 더보기 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 57 다음